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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zero Tolerance (wake-up call)

July 26, 2008 9:47 PM (on this date I wrote it for my Orkut Groups)

On Friday, Bengaluru jolted completely for about 5 hours. Those eight blasts, with low-intensity, took place within about 12 minutes at around 13:30 Hrs.

You friends might have noticed that, after every attack - compensation to the victims, "Zero Tolerance" on Terrorism addressed by "Great (sucks) Politicians" and so on. I hope that the same chain-reaction will be happened for this jolted and in the future too. When will they (Govt) stop this non-sense..?

They (Terrorists) didn't create massive casualties; so they wanted to give them (Govt) a sign or an alarm on what they are capable of. In future, if required, they will do the same with high-intensity which will demolish the infrastructure of Bengaluru and take heavy amount of lives away.

Without clear evidence, never ever blame any terrorism-group. So, probe thoroughly and gather sufficient info on this act and move onto further level. Yea, there are other terrorism-groups that representing Hindus and Christians as well. However, as far as am concerned, they never quoted any religious scripturs to justiy themselves and their terrorism-acts. But, the Islamists have been doin' so. That is the reason the adjective 'Islamists' is used. In my point of view, the demolition of the Babri Masjid in 1992 provoked them and since then they started to give an alarm on various occasions to the World. I ain't plugged into Caste and Religion systems. Therefore, I have no fear to point-out the bugs of Hindus, Christians, and Muslims.

I wanted to write this article in Thamizh and I have not done any Thamizh article in recent times. I will do it soon. I wanna share a lot 'bout Politics, 123 ACT (N-deal), and so on with you, Friends. I will do the same soon.

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