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Sunday, May 9, 2010


If you would love to play SU-DO-KU, you gotta rack your brains harder as the game may soon get a lot tougher. Dr Paul Newton and Stephen DeSalvo of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles have published their report on SU-DO-KU. The report reveals 'we think SU-DO-KU will develop its multi-dimensional puzzles, and answer about how to give the initial-clues in order to create a hard, but still solvable SU-DO-KU puzzles.'

A basic SU-DO-KU with sub-blocks.

A SU-DO-KU puzzle comprises of a 9 * 9 matrix of numbers from 1 to 9. Each number should only appear once along any row and once down any column as well as only once in each of the three 3 * 3 sub-blocks that make-up the matrix.

This picture illustrates two-dimensional SU-DO-KU puzzle.

There are about 1021 different matrices to develop its multi-dimensional puzzles. Friends, get ready for some action. It's time to sharpen our brain.

This picture illustrates multi-dimonsional SU-DO-KU puzzle.

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Pill Turns 50

~ The birth control pill has been called 'the most important scientific advance of the 20th century.'
~ More than 200 million women worldwide have used the pill since its arrival.

Also known as Sexual Revolution. I will give you a couple of valid points to zero-in.....
~ it allows women to control their own fertility.
~ it leads to an explosion of casual sex.

This picture illustrates how the pill works.

~ the pill first went on sale in West Germany in 1956.
~ more than 200 million women worldwide still need or want acces to the pill.
~ if they are given contraception, it could prevent more than 50 million un-wanted pregnancies.
~ and this could save 150,000 lives of women and 640,000 newborns'.

% of women on the pill around the world (age b/w 15 and 49)
~ Bangladesh 28.5
~ Indonesia    34.6
~ Chile           29.1
~ UK             29
~ Germany     52.6
~ Canada       21
~ USA           18.3

But in India, accordin' to 'The National Family Health Survey-3 Statistics', 49% of Indian women use modern contraception and of this 49% women just 3.1% of women use this magic pill.

It gives liberty to women when it comes to pre-marital sex. And women DO NOT need to get the nod from anybody for birth control procedures. This pill was introduced as a device and you gotta use this with a care-attitude. Just apply yourself.

To know more 'bout this magic device, just visit the followin' link - - -

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About Patient Zero

Patient Zero is the first patient who indicates the outbreak of a disease and may indicate its source and possible spread.

The term was used by Dr William Darrow to refer to the spread of HIV in North America, who showed how 'patient zero' had infected multiple partners with HIV and how the virus had spread across the world.

About Baker's Dozen

It means 13, instead of 12 itmes/quantity.

The tale behind its origin is that a mediaeval law specified the weight of bread loaves, and any baker who supplied less to a customer was in for dire consequence. Therefore, bakers would include a thirteenth (13th) loaf with each dozen just to be safe.

About Wet Wing

A wet wing is an aerospace engineerin' technique where an aircraft's wing structure is sealed and used as a fuel tank. Because the tanks are an integral part of the structure, they cannot be removed, and require access panels for routine maintenance and visual inspections. By eliminatin' the need for fuel bladders, aircraft can weigh less and offer improved performance.

A disadvantage of the wet wing is that every rivet, bolt and nutplate, hose and/or tubin' that penetrates the wing must be sealed to prevent fuel leakin' or seepin' around these hardware components.

This sealant must allow for expansion and contraction due to rapid temperature changes (i.e when cold fuel is pumped into a warm wing tank) and must retain its sealin' properties when submerged in fuel and when left dry for long periods of time. Workin' with this sealant can be difficult and replacin' old sealant inside a small wing tank even worse if the old sealant needs to be removed as well.
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Watch Out - Naomi 'Biter' Campbell
Who would have known someone with a completely out of control temper and taste for cocaine would be such a freak?

We all know Naomi Campbell is probably a complete animal in the bedroom. Here she is with Russian boyfriend Vladislav Doronin, 46, and this guy is worth billions and ain’t too bad lookin' at all. But for some reason he has a couple loose screws – he’s slippin' it to this crazy woman.
This picture has to be about the most repulsive lookin' kiss ever. And the guy next to them checkin' it out is pretty creepy too - and I think he’s actually sportin' wood.!!??

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