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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our soil ain't for SALE. Stay away, buggers.

The toxins produced by Bacillus thuringienis (Bt) were identified long ago and they became part of an integrated pest management (an alternative to chemical control of insects) of various food and non-food crops includin' cotton.

Experts in ecology, nutrition and toxicology also documented the impact of these formulations on human health, besides other detrimental factors they create in the environment. Hence, it is incorrect to state that Bt. is safe in all respects.

The era of Bt. crops started in India durin' 2001. Please, remember that the failure of various groups of insecticides (organo-chlorines, organo-phosphates, carbamates, synthetic phrethroids, neonicotinoids, avermetins, spinosins, etc) that were periodically claimed as wonderful (miracle) tools of pest management until their negative sides started surfacin'.

The existin' technologies in Indian agriculture are in-sufficient to reduce the impact of weather aberrations: extreme drought and inundative rains and degraded soils. Many bio-technology experts frequently highlight the role of new approach to solvin' such problems of dire need for the small and marginal farmers. But nothin' has emerged so far.

Experts in Bio-technology or molecular biology claim that the ecology, includin' the behavior of major insect pests of cotton or brinjal, was well understood. Since the negative sides of Bt. are well understood, they could not predict the threat of 'selection pressure' through the pink bollworm in cotton and the fruit borer in brinjal.

Source: A professor at ANGR Agricultural University, AP.

More on negative sides of Bt.
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As for the toxin content, the revelations of the European and American scientists aired in their papers and submitted to the Genetical Engineerin' Approval Committee (GEAC) and the science journal, Nature, are appallin'.

Accordin' to the fact, the experiments conducted with Bt. brinjal on livin' things such as rats, goats and cows revealed a host of problems - adverse changes in the physical metabolism, change in the blood-clottin' time, decrease in liver weight, reduction in water intake, decrease in appetite, non-responsiveness to antibiotics and occurrence of diarrhoea.

The body of Doctors for Food and Bio Safety, which has sent its findings to the GEAC, objected to the introduction of the new Bt. brinjal.
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Buggers (who involved in this conspiracy) - we request you DO NOT make our soil as INFERTILITY. We need our brinjal and it is enough for us. If you buggers want money from those Nuke-the-People-in-India-by-Multi National Companies, please find an any other option which will not kill our People and Soil in India. Go away, BUGGERS.

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