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Thursday, November 18, 2010

நமது பெண்கள் சமுதாயம் - ஆண் செய்தால் 'Pervert'

சொல் உபயோகம் Transvestism; நாம் வழக்கில் வைத்துள்ள சொல் Cross-dressin'.

பெண்கள் Cross-dressin' செய்து எல்லோரும் பார்த்ததுண்டு. அது ஒரு சாதாரண நிகழ்வு. Formal, casuals மற்றும் வீட்டில் இருக்கும் போதும் cross-dressin' மிக சாதாரண நிகழ்வாக பெண்கள் விசயத்தில் ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளது நமது சமுதாயத்தில். ஆனால், ஒரு ஆண் cross-dressin' செய்தால் இந்த சமுதாயம் ஏன் கிண்டல் செய்கிறது ? அப்படி செய்தால் அந்த ஆண்மகனை நமது பெண்கள் சமுதாயம் & ஒட்டுமொத்த சமுதாயமும் சேர்ந்து 'Pervert' என்று அழைக்கும்.

I don't understand why women can wear male clothes - but men can't wear female clothes.

Many women probably assume that most transvestites are either homosexual or candidates for sex change surgery.
What inspires this level of anger among so many women ? Fear, I suppose. But fear of what ? Fear of the competition for the underwear drawer ? Fear that he might be gay ? Fear that he'll stretch everything and ruin her tights ? Fear that the neighbours will find out ?
But, on the whole, there is a huge difference between transvestites and transsexuals. Transsexuals lose their balls. Transvestites are keen to keep theirs.

It, perhaps, (crossdressin') produces so much confusion, bewilderment and resentment and so many pejorative remarks.
Most crossdressers live in constant fear of bein' found out. Around a quarter of male transvestites have never dared share their secret with their wives. That means that around the world millions of women are married to transvestites - and don't know it. In every million women there will be around 25,000 who are unknowingly married to (or livin' with) transvestites.

Transvestism crosses all social and professional barriers. Your best friend, your college mate, your cousin, your boss or your husband could be a secret transvestite. The chances are high that someone you know well is a crossdresser.

I believe that transvestism is one of the least harmful of all hobbies and one that no man should feel ashamed of. It is, I believe, a perfectly acceptable way for any man to escape from the day to day stresses of bein' a man in a stressful world. It's fun and clearly gives a lot of men a great deal of pleasure and it is difficult to think of any activity which is less likely to do harm to anyone.

Men who dress in womens' clothes brin' out a normal, healthy part of their own femininity, broaden their outlook on life and enjoy a temporary respite from the responsibilities and demands of bein' male.

I'm always sad to know that of the number of women who do not accept their lover/husband's crossdressing. Please, stop treatin' them horrendously badly.

Here are some facts - - -

* Well over three quarters of all transvestites regularly wear the sort of underwear worn by women under their male clothin'. Many of the rest would do so if they weren't frightened of bein' found out by wives.

* Less than half of all transvestites go out of their homes fully dressed as women and most of these are honest enough to admit that they don't fool anyone. But for most this isn't important. They want to dress in the sort of clothes worn by women - not become women.

* Transvestism must be one of the most harmless hobbies. And yet nearly three quarters of male transvestites admit that they live in constant fear of bein' found out by prejudiced relatives, neighbours or employers. Many say they don't understand why women can wear male clothin' - but men can't wear female clothes.

* Some wives are scornful and dismissive. Others are patronisin' and refuse to try and understand. Some wives `allow' their men to dress for one hour a week - as long as they do it in secret.

* Three quarters of all transvestites' partners know that the man in their lives dress in women's clothin'. But a quarter of partners do not know.

* There is good reason for the secrecy since most wives or girlfriends who know about their partner's crossdressin' disapprove. They miss a lot of fun by bein' so selfish, narrow minded and disapprovin'.

* Happily, just over a third of wives and girlfriends actively help their men dress as women by helpin' with make up and clothes. Many women admit they get a sexual turn on from seein' their male partner in silky, feminine clothes. It is common for transvestites whose partners do approve to have sex while dressed as a woman.

* The vast majority of transvestites are heterosexual.

* The average transvestite spends 12 hours a week dressed as a woman - but would like to spend 70 hours a week (rather more than half the `waking' week) dressed in feminine clothes.

எனது தனிப்பட்ட கருத்து: ஆண் 'ஆணாக இருப்பதில்தான் அழகு' என்று நான் நம்புகிறேன். பிறகு உங்கள் அறிவு.